Deploy Node.js Like a Pro with AWS CloudFormation
Last updated on 28 December 2022
In the previous article, we built a CI/CD pipeline for our Node.js application using AWS CodeBuild and CodeDeploy. But we had to manually create all the resources (EC2, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild, S3, security group, and IAM roles). It is not a scalable approach to manage infrastructure.
Let's automate the boring stuff.
This article is a part 2 of Deploying Node.js to AWS series:
- Deploying Node.js to AWS with CI/CD
- ð Automate with CloudFormation and IaC
- Monitoring and alerting using AWS CloudWatch
- Securing your Node.js Application with AWS
- Achieve high availability on your Node.js application with AWS
We will look at some of important aspects of a CloudFormation template and apply them to build a template for our Node.js deployment.
Here's how the article is structured:
- ð Why you should use AWS CloudFormation
- âĐ Introduction to CloudFormation
- ðŪ Concepts
- ð Using parameter store with CloudFormation
- âŦ Rollbacks
- ðŠš Nested Stacks
- ðĶ Change sets
- ð Deletion policy
- ðĪš Termination protection
- ð Drift detection
- ð Creating template for our application
- ðĶš Best practices
- ðž Conclusion
Why do you need AWS CloudFormation?
AWS is awesome but it has a wide variety of offerings. For a production application, you may be required to set up a lot of services sequentially, in the right order, or else you risk wasting time and effort. Not to mention AWS is costly at times.
In the previous article, we deployed a Node.js application to AWS with CI/CD. But it was a lot of manual work. Creating resources takes time. Clearly, that time can be better spent elsewhere.
Recreating an infrastructure from scratch (eg. recovering from an outage, or expanding to a new AWS region) can be a nightmare.
On 25th February 2011, AWS came up with CloudFormation. The goal was to save time in creating & managing infrastructure. Since its initial launch, CloudFormation has become an inseparable part of the AWS ecosystem.
Introduction to CloudFormation
At its core, AWS CloudFormation leverages templates of code. The code can be written in either YAML or JSON. A CloudFormation template declaratively instructs AWS what resources are required for your infrastructure and in what order.
AWS creates all the resources automatically, behind the scenes, abstracting away all the manual work and complexities. You only need to write the CloudFormation template.
Let's clarify a few concepts before we write the template for our Node.js application.
I've chosen YAML to write CloudFormation templates. You can use JSON, if you prefer. You can refer to the official documentation.
This helps in providing inputs to your CloudFormation template. This is crucial because some parameters cannot be predicted ahead of time. Some of the important attributes a parameter can have:
- Type â Data type of the parameter (String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, etc.).
- AllowedValues â Allowed values for a parameter in an array.
- NoEcho â Instructs AWS to mask the value to prevent it from being shown in the console.
You can look at all the available parameters in detail here.
You can use a parameter in your CloudFormation template with the help of Fn::Ref function. It fetches the value of the parameter or resource passed to it. We will look at this in practice in a later section.
It is just like a hashmap. For example, a mapping helps in selecting AMI value based on region. Mappings are always hard coded.
mappings stored in template.yml
1Mappings:2 SampleMapping:3 Key1:4 Name: Value15 Key2:6 Name: Value27 Key3:8 Name: Value3
It is imperative that to use mapping, you need to know all keys and values beforehand. If you want to find a value in a mapping, you can use Fn::FindInMap.
You can import (after exporting) values in a different CloudFormation stack. This helps in writing modular stacks.
You can't delete a CloudFormation Stack if its outputs are being used or referenced somewhere else.
To export a value from a CloudFormation template, you need to declare it in the Output section like this:
Exporting value from a template.yml
1Outputs:2 SampleEC2:3 Description: Sample EC2 instance4 Export:5 Name: MySampleEC2Instance
To import it in a different CloudFormation stack, you can use Fn::ImportValue function.
All the services or components that AWS provides can be considered as a resource (eg. EC2, Auto-scaling group, VPC, security group, IAM, etc.). You can use almost any resource in your template.
Conditions allow you to specify resources or outputs conditionally. For example, you may want to add a resource only for the production environment, you can do it like this:
Conditionally adding CloudFront for caching
1Conditions:2 CreateCloudFrontForCaching: !Equals [ !Ref ENV, production]
In the above snippet, we are adding CloudFront only for the production environment. For the rest, we are not caching because the data might change more frequently there.
And then, you can attach this condition in the resource section of your template like this:
1Resources:2 ProdCloudFront:3 Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution4 Conditions: CreateCloudFrontForCaching5# Properties: âĶ
User data
When launching an EC2 instance, we often want to do some configurations once the instance is up & running. User data helps you achieve exactly that.
We are using it to install a few dependencies in our Node.js application.
Installs packages once the EC2 instance is up
1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-0923Resources:4 Type: AWS::EC2::Instance5 Properties:6 UserData: !Base64 |7 #!/bin/bash -xe8 sudo yum update -y9 curl -sL | sudo bash -10 sudo yum install -y ruby wget nodejs11 wget chmod +x ./install13 sudo ./install auto14 node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"15 npm i pm2 -g
This is a better version of user data. It is declarative in nature. Updating your CloudFormation template updates your EC2 instance(s) in place â without replacing the whole instance.
Let's look at an example:
cfn::init creating an index.html file upon instance bootstrap
1Resources:2 MyInstance:3 Type: AWS::EC2::Instance4 Metadata:5 AWS::CloudFormation::Init:6 config:7 files:8 "/var/www/html/index.html":9 content: |10 <h1>Hello World!</h1>11 mode: '000644'
There's a lot more that cfn::init can do, the official documentation is definitely worth checking out.
Using parameter store with cloudformation
We can use the AWS parameter store to store our values and directly reference them in our CloudFormation template like this:
Instance type parameter fetching values from parameter store
1Parameters:2 InstanceType:3 Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>'4 Default: /Production/InstanceType
CloudFormation will resolve the value of /Production/InstanceType
during the deployment. It uses the fallback value (provided in the template) by default.
To create a new parameter, simply head over to the parameter store and create a new parameter like shown below.
It supports secureString to allow storing credentials or any sensitive information.
By default, CloudFormation rolls back completely whenever the stack creation fails.
But you can configure this behavior.
If you want to debug or find the reason for failure, you can choose to keep the resources and not delete them on rollback.
You can choose it when creating a new stack from this setting:
Nested stacks
The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle is the main motivation behind nested stacks. Modularity is the second.
Moving common pieces out of your template to a nested stack not only reduces duplicacy but also makes it reusable across teams and developers.
To define a nested stack, put the type as AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
. This successfully creates a nested stack:
1Resources:2 myStack:3 Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack4 Properties:5 TemplateURL: Parameters:7 DBName: "analytics-primary"8 DBUser: "admin"9 DBPassword: âsecretPassword"10 # âĶ
You can look at some sample CloudFormation templates to help you along the way. The templates are also hosted on Amazon S3.
A change set helps you understand the proposed changes. However, it won't tell you if the update will be successful. Let's take a look.
We have created a stack that contains an EC2 instance in the us-east-1 region. We want to update our CloudFormation template to change the region of the instance. Let's create a change set:
Here it is:
Note that it doesn't execute automatically. ChangeSet is for us to review the changes involved. It only updates the stack upon manual approval (top right in the above picture).
Since we only updated our EC2 region, there's only one change involved:
The existing instance will be replaced with an instance in the desired region (i.e., ap-southeast-1).
You need to specify what happens to a resource when the CloudFormation stack is deleted. There are three options:
- Retain
- Snapshot
- Delete
It used to be Delete by default but now you need to specify this in the template explicitly.
Termination protection
If you don't want to accidentally delete your stack, make sure to enable termination protection. This makes sure you cannot delete your stack until you turn the setting off from Stack Actions.
Drift detection
Drift detection helps you understand whether a stack's configuration has changed from what's specified in the template. For example, one of your EC2 instances got terminated, or are in the wrong VPC, etc.
You can check for drifts in your stack by going to the Stack Actions shown below.
This is useful and helps you find out whether your stack has drifted. You can periodically run drift detection to keep an eye on your stack.
Creating a template for our application
Before creating a CloudFormation template, we need to list down all the resources we need to deploy our application.
There are a few key points to note when creating our CloudFormation template:
- We need to manually connect our GitHub account to CodeBuild (shown below). This will allow CodeBuild to listen for GitHub repository events and trigger a build.
- CodeBuild should be able to upload build logs and artifacts to a dedicated S3 bucket.
- CodeBuild needs to read secret variable(s) from the parameter store.
- EC2 needs an appropriate IAM role to access the code revision from S3 during the deployment.
- We need to attach a security group to the EC2 instance, to make it accessible over a specific port.
- The EC2 instance needs to install a few dependencies (codedeploy agent, node, pm2) once it is up & running.
- The EC2 needs to have a tag which CodeDeploy will use to find & filter the target instances for the deployment.
Before proceeding any further, here's how you can connect your Github account to AWS CodeBuild using OAuth. It is a one-time process.
Now we are ready to apply the theory to practice. Let's build the template step by step.
Creating a CodeBuild project with artifact support
1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-0923Resources:4 BuildArtifactS3Bucket:5 Type: AWS::S3::Bucket6 Properties:7 AccessControl: Private8 BucketName: cfn-codebuild-artifacts9 VersioningConfiguration:10 Status: Enabled1112 IAMRoleForCodeBuild:13 Type: AWS::IAM::Role14 Properties:15 Path: /16 AssumeRolePolicyDocument:17 Version: '2012-10-17'18 Statement:19 - Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']20 Effect: Allow21 Principal:22 Service: []23 Policies:24 - PolicyName: "CodeBuildAccess"25 PolicyDocument:26 Version: "2012-10-17"27 Statement:28 - Action:29 - 'ssm:GetParameters'30 - 'logs:*'31 - 's3:*'32 - 'codedeploy:*'33 Effect: "Allow"34 Resource: "*"3536 CodeBuildProject:37 Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project38 DependsOn:39 - BuildArtifactS3Bucket40 - IAMRoleForCodeBuild41 Properties:42 ServiceRole: !GetAtt IAMRoleForCodeBuild.Arn43 Artifacts:44 Type: S345 Location: cfn-codebuild-artifacts46 Name: buildArtifact.zip47 Packaging: ZIP48 Path: deploy-nodejs-cicd49 Environment:50 Type: LINUX_CONTAINER51 ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL52 Image: aws/codebuild/standard:6.053 EnvironmentVariables:54 - Name: PASSWORD55 Value: /Production/AppPassword56 Type: PARAMETER_STORE57 Source:58 Type: GITHUB59 Location: Auth:61 Type: OAUTH # Need to manually connect your GitHub account to CodeBuild from console (only required once)62 SourceVersion: cloudformation63 Triggers:64 Webhook: true # to specify particular events to trigger a build =>
Let's take a closer look at the template so far:
- On line 4-10, we are creating one S3 bucket for storing build artifact.
- We are also creating one IAM role to give CodeBuild certain permissions (line 29-32). These permissions can only be used by the principal i.e., CodeBuild (line 22).
- Line 43-48, we're attaching the S3 bucket to CodeBuild.
- CodeBuild is using a secret from parameter store.
- Lastly, we're attaching our Github repository and the branch ("cloudformation") along with the connection method (OAuth). Webhook trigger is turned on to make sure any repository event on our repo triggers a build.
With the above template, we have taken care of the build phase for our CI/CD pipeline. Deployment phase comes next. But before provisioning CodeDeploy, we need one EC2 instance.
Creating an EC2 instance (previously created resources are skipped for brevity)
1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-0923Parameters:4 SSHKeyPairKeyName:5 Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName6 Description: This secure string parameter holds our application password7 Default: NodejsDeploymentKeyPair89Resources:10 CodeRevisionS3Bucket:11 Type: AWS::S3::Bucket12 Properties:13 AccessControl: Private14 BucketName: cfn-codedeploy-revisions15 VersioningConfiguration:16 Status: Enabled1718 EC2IAMRoleForCodeDeploy:19 Type: AWS::IAM::Role20 Properties:21 Path: /22 AssumeRolePolicyDocument:23 Version: '2012-10-17'24 Statement:25 - Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']26 Effect: Allow27 Principal:28 Service: []29 Policies:30 - PolicyName: "CodeDeployAccess"31 PolicyDocument:32 Version: "2012-10-17"33 Statement:34 - Action:35 - 's3:*'36 - 's3-object-lambda:*'37 Effect: "Allow"38 Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::cfn-codedeploy-revisions/*"3940 EC2IAMInstanceProfile:41 Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile42 Properties:43 Path: /44 Roles:45 - !Ref EC2IAMRoleForCodeDeploy4647 SSHSecurityGroup:48 Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup49 Properties:50 GroupDescription: SSH and HTTP51 SecurityGroupIngress:52 - CidrIp: # SSH access from everywhere shouldn't be allowed53 FromPort: 2254 IpProtocol: tcp55 ToPort: 2256 - CidrIp: FromPort: 8058 IpProtocol: tcp59 ToPort: 8060 - CidrIp: FromPort: 300162 IpProtocol: tcp63 ToPort: 30016465 MyEC2Instance:66 Type: AWS::EC2::Instance67 DependsOn:68 - SSHSecurityGroup69 Properties:70 IamInstanceProfile: !Ref EC2IAMInstanceProfile71 KeyName: !Ref SSHKeyPairKeyName # Dynamic input allows changing the value during stack creation without touching the template72 AvailabilityZone: ap-south-1a73 ImageId: ami-0e8bfae08669b4b89 # AMI depends on region74 InstanceType: t2.micro75 Monitoring: false76 SecurityGroups:77 - !Ref SSHSecurityGroup78 UserData: !Base64 |79 #!/bin/bash -xe80 sudo yum update -y81 curl -sL | sudo bash -82 sudo yum install -y ruby wget nodejs83 wget chmod +x ./install85 sudo ./install auto86 node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"87 npm i pm2 -g88 Tags: # CodeDeploy uses these tags to find instances to deploy our changes89 - Key: environment90 Value: development91 - Key: name92 Value: webserver
With our EC2 instance ready, we can provision CodeDeploy now. This is the final checkpoint for our CI/CD pipeline.
Provisioning AWS CodeDeploy (previously created resources are skipped for brevity)
1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-0923Resources:4 CodeDeployServiceRole:5 Type: AWS::IAM::Role6 Properties:7 Path: /8 ManagedPolicyArns:9 - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSCodeDeployRole10 AssumeRolePolicyDocument:11 Version: '2012-10-17'12 Statement:13 - Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']14 Effect: Allow15 Principal:16 Service: []1718 CodeDeployApplication:19 Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application20 DependsOn: MyEC2Instance21 Properties:22 ApplicationName: cfn-codedeploy-application2324 CodeDeployDeploymentGroup:25 Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup26 DependsOn: CodeDeployApplication27 Properties:28 ApplicationName: cfn-codedeploy-application29 ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployServiceRole.Arn30 Ec2TagFilters:31 - Key: environment32 Type: KEY_AND_VALUE33 Value: development34 DeploymentGroupName: development35 DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
- We are using pre-build service role for CodeDeploy.
- A CodeDeploy application named cfn-codedeploy-application is being created on line 22.
- We're adding a deployment group to the CodeDeploy application. A deployment group is a selected set of instances targeted for a deployment. For instance, you can have three separate deployment groups for development, staging, and production. All targeting different EC2 instances.
CloudFormation best practices
A CloudFormation template is written in yaml (or JSON) and follows some of the commonly known best practices ðĶš, same as code:
- Build modular templates. Reusable template components allow easier replication of your deployment stack across multiple environments.
- Principle of least knowledge â Do not embed any sensitive information (eg. credentials) in your template.
- Use changeSets to update your templates rather than deleting your stack and recreating it again.
- Commit your templates to a version control system. This helps in visibility over the different versions of a template. Moreover, you get to enjoy the benefits of a version control system (eg. Code reviews, reverting to previous version, etc.).
We have learned about AWS CloudFormation, why it's needed, how it works, and how you can leverage it to automate the tedious process of managing infrastructure.
We have also created a CloudFormation template for the stack we created in the previous article ð.
Next up, we will look at how to set up monitoring & alerting setup for our Node.js application.
I hope this helped you get an initial understanding of AWS CloudFormation.
Happy to take questions and feedback in the comments or on my Twitter âïļ.